Pfr. Johannes Kristóf

Theology study and priest's inauguration

1958: From October: he lived in the Pazmaneum, Vienna.
1959: 6th of January: Unveiling ceremony of a MTA picture in the Pazmaneum. Later in the year he joined the Schönstatt-theologian's group. For his summer holidays he had a short stay in Schönstatt (near Vallendar, Germany). During the christmas holidays lead a consecration ceremony where he together with other theology students in Vienna, consecrated themselves to Mary, mother of God.
1963: Creation of a slideshow about „Schönstatt and the Danube countries“. He showed this slide row in many parishes in Germany and collected money for the construction of a „Shrine for the people of the Danube“.  21st of December – consecration ceremony for the local church as preparation for the post as Deacon.
1964: 9th of February: final consecration as Deacon.
23rd of February: Priest's inauguration in the Stephansdom, Vienna, for the archdiocese Eger (M. Erlau), Hungary, by Weihbischof Dr. Jakob Weinbacher.
24th of February: On Monday after the priest's inauguration he celebrated his first holy mass before the altar Máriapócs in the Stephansdom.